is to support our parishes’ awareness of,
accompaniment with,
and advocacy for
persons with mental health challenges and those who care for them.
Our parishes welcome and support people experiencing mental health challenges and those who care for them; through prayer and action we help one another recognize God’s presence in difficult times.
Human dignity
We offer a Spiritual Support Group for people over the age of 18 who are living with mental health challenges. The group provides a confidential and non-judgmental environment and faith-filled supportive relationships. Spiritual Support Group facilitators provide a listening ear but do not offer counseling or therapy. No sign-up is needed; come whenever you wish.
The Spiritual Support Group meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm at The Church of St Gregory, 330 N Abington Road, Clarks Green PA. Meetings last about 90 minutes.
To contact us or to learn more, email [email protected]
One in four people will be affected by a mental health problem at some point in their lives, yet the stigma surrounding mental illness causes many to remain silent and prevents faith communities from responding compassionately and effectively. This 8-session, small-group course explores the realities of mental health and illness and spurs faith-based conversations about these topics. It includes short films, summary presentations of online or print reading material, discussion, and prayer.
To learn more, email: [email protected]
Information about this March 1 self-care event for adults and families coming soon!
Training will be conducted Saturday, April 5
Our Lady of the Snows Parish
Clarks Summit
Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills needed to provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.
This training is a combination of in-person instruction by a certified AMHFA instructor and 2 hours online preliminary work. The in-person day includes a light breakfast and lunch. Although training and materials ordinarily cost over $100, this course is free for participants because expenses are covered by a grant from the Social Justice Trust Fund of the Diocese of Scranton.
Registration by 4/1/25 is essential. When you Register here you will receive an immediate confirmation message.
For more information, email [email protected]
Most of us would know how to help if we saw someone having a heart attack—we’d start CPR, or at least call 911. But too few of us would know how to respond if we saw someone having a panic attack or were concerned that a friend or coworker might be showing signs of alcohol use disorder. Mental Health First Aid takes the fear and hesitation out of starting these conversations by improving understanding and providing an action plan that teaches people to safely and responsibly identify and address a potential mental health or substance use challenge. When more people are equipped with the tools to start a dialogue, more people can get the help they need. Mental Health First Aiders are a vital link, connecting those experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge with appropriate support.
Mental Health First Aiders are teachers, first responders, and veterans. They're pastoral ministers and members of church hospitality teams. First aiders are parents, siblings, neighbors, and friends. They’re people in recovery, and those supporting a loved one. Mental Health First Aiders are anyone who wants to make their community healthier, happier and safer for all.
Resources for Mental Health and Wellness
The lists offered below are for informational purposes only. The Church of St. Gregory & St. John Vianney Parish neither endorse nor promote the persons and organizations listed.
Please click here to access the resource PDF, Side 1
To contact us, email: [email protected]