An Integrated Wellness Program for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
Millions of people in the U.S. are affected by mental illness each year. (See attached Fact Sheet from the National Alliance on Mental Illness). In any parish, 50% of adults will experience a mental illness in their lifetime. 1 in 5 families are effected by the mental illness of a family member. Most parishes will have an adolescent or young adult commit suicide. 20% of people attending Mass on Sunday are struggling with depression. Is the Church prepared to walk with them? Are our words and actions helping them grow closer to Christ in the struggle or convincing them that, until they are better, they are not welcome in Church? All of us struggle with the demands of life from time to time. We can never say, “It won’t happen to me.” Will someone in the parish be there for us? St. Thomas Aquinas says, “Mercy is heartfelt sympathy for another’s distress.”
Fully Alive is an integrated wellness program that will demonstrate that the Church is prepared and willing, with mercy, to walk with those struggling with the stressors of life. Fully Alive is an integrated wellness program in that it will address the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the human condition. The program will combine the tradition of faith and reason (theology and philosophy) with psychology -- offering the gifts of Catholic health professionals (psychologists, counselors, physicians, fitness instructors, clergy, etc.) within our Archdiocese. The program will offer a variety of different support groups and educational sessions, each with a specific theme for those struggling with stress and health problems.