The Calix Society is a national association of Catholics in 12-Step recovery and their family and friends who are affected by alcoholism and other addictions.
The Calix Society ( is a national association of Catholics in 12-Step recovery and their family and friends who are affected by alcoholism and other addictions. We are members of AA, NA, Al-Anon, and similar organizations who have found that the spirituality of the 12-Step process is, for us, greatly enhanced when practiced in the context of the richness, tradition, and dogma of our Catholic Faith.
Calix (Latin for “Chalice”) is no substitute for AA, NA, or AlAnon. We recommend that you continue attendance at your regular 12-Step group. Nor is this program for the newly clean and sober. One must have achieved a degree of sobriety to benefit from Calix.
If you are currently active in a 12-Step group and would like to talk with other Catholics about how they’ve incorporated their Catholicism into their Steps, and how they’ve become better Catholics by doing so, consider attending one, or more, of our meetings.
The Calix Society usually meets the first Friday of each month at Church of the Ascension in Overland Park.
For specific information on time and meeting format, call Neil at 913-645-7244, or Mary at 913-747-5039.