The Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers (CMHM) is a Lay Association of the Christian Faithful whose members are called to be a healing presence in the lives of people with mental illness and their families. Members of the CMHM see Christ in those who live with a mental illness. Members practice a ministry of service and presence; like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37), they do not look the other way or walk past those living with a mental illness but instead pour the oil and wine of the Gospel into their lives. Members walk with people living with a mental illness to help them find the pastoral support and services that they need through their local Catholic community.
Members of the CMHM are inspired by Saint Pope John Paul II who wrote:
“Christ took all human suffering on himself; even mental illness . . . whoever suffers from mental illness "always" bears God's image and likeness in himself, as does every human being. In addition, he "always" has the inalienable right not only to be considered as an image of God and therefore as a person, but also to be treated as such.”
“It is everyone's duty to make an active response: our actions must show that mental illness does not create insurmountable distances, nor prevent relations of true Christian charity with those who are its victims. Indeed, it should inspire a particularly attentive attitude towards these people who are fully entitled to belong to the category of the poor to whom the kingdom of heaven belongs (cf. Mt 5:3).”
We entrust our mission to Our Lady of Lourdes, a special patroness for healing. May Our Lady guide us so that those who live with a mental illness, and those that care for them, will know that they are surrounded by her and her Son’s healing presence and that they are never alone.
1. Support a network of national and international mental health ministries to provide leadership, guidance, and support to members. Ministry networks are developed on the international, national, and local levels.
2. Develop tools, processes, documents, worship aids, and other methods to support members in their efforts to offer a spiritual mental health ministry.
3. Organize and provide training and education for members of the CMHM.
4. Organize conferences to disseminate information and support the development of a sense of community among mental health ministries.
5. Disseminate information via a web page, email, and other methods of communication to promote unity among members and greater awareness and understanding in the Church and in the broader community about ministering to people who live with a mental illness.