See our CMHM May 2023 Webinar: the Place of a Mental Health Professionals/Organizations Resource List in your Diocesan or Parish Mental Health Ministry. Find the Webinar recording and accompanying resources on our Webinar Resources page.
Online Form used by the Archdioces of San Antonio - Archdiocesan Counseling Directory Application
Upon receipt of an application the documents (CV and letter of good standing from a pastor) are reviewed and a staff person from the Archdiocese speaks with the counselor on the phone to discuss their experience and understand how they represent the faith into their counseling practice.
There are multiple resources available to help you learn how to offer a Mental Health Ministry Retreat in your community. Please click here to review these resources.
Catholic Charities USA has created and curated multiple resources surrounding trauma, please visit their list of resource options here.
Webinar - Helping Teens Lean Into Stress By: Roy Petitfils
Youth Mental Health Support Guide: When to Seek Help - Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island
Estaciones de la Crus (Stations of the Cross)
Enfermedad mental con gracia: una serie de 5 noches (en español e inglés) / Mental Illness with Grace: A 5-Night Series (Both Spanish and English)
Anuncios del boletín de la serie educativa parroquial de 4 semanas (español e inglés) / 4 Week Parish Educational Series Bulletin Announcments (Spanish and English)
Declaración en inglés y español para el mes de la salud mental (English and Spanish Statement for Mental Health Month) St. Joachim, Diocese of Orange
Declaración sobre el duelo en inglés y español (Statement on Grief in English and Spanish) - St. Joachim, Diocese of Orange
Rincón de enfermeras suicidas en inglés y español (Suicide Nurse Corner in English and Spanish) - St. Joachim, Dicoese of Orange
Pasos de acción - Rincón de la enfermera del dolor emocional en inglés y español (Action Steps - Emotional Pain Nurse Corner in English and Spanish) St. Joachim, Diocese of Orange
Sanación a través del amor - Mayo - (Healing Through Love - May) - Most Holy Rosary, Oakland
Curación a través del amor Tri-Fold (Healing through Love Tri-Fold) - Most Holy Rosary, Oakland
Presentación de información (Information PowerPoint) - Most Holy Rosary, Oakland
Acerca de la curación a través del amor PowerPoint (About Healing through Love PowerPoint) - Most Holy Rosary, Oakland
Oraciones de intercesión que abordan la enfermedad mental, tendencia suicida y pérdida por suicidio
Молитва каждого дня (Each Day Prayer)
Молитва исцеления - Святой Марии (Prayer for Healing - Saint Mary)
Литания за страдающих психическими расстройствами (Litany for those suffering from Mental Disorders)
Розарий Медитации (Rosary Meditations)
Путь Креста (The Way of the Cross)
Бумажная закладка (Paper Bookmark)
Молитва святой Димфне (Saint Dymphna Prayer)