We believe there is a vital need for youth to be able to talk about mental health and receive support and companionship in their faith communities.
The youth resource by Santuary, designed for students eleven to fifteen years of age, explores each of these questions, drawing on insights from mental health professionals, theologians, youth pastors, and evidence-based research.
This resource is available for free on the below online resource portal:
Helpful Resources and Links
Into God’s Light With Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton - For Young People - Seton Shrine, Maryland
Catholic Lifesaver Corps Suicide Prevention- Archdiocese of Seattle
Youth Suicide: Guide for Faith Leaders - National Alliance for Suicide Prevention
Resources for Catholic Schools
Student/Parent MH Awareness Event Samples: Flyer, PowerPoint, and Agenda
Mental Wellness in Catholic Schools
With registrations exceeding 470 individuals, it's evident that there is a pressing need for supportive strategies and ideas that benefit parents, teachers, and students alike.
We encourage you to explore the following webinar resources and share them with others who may have missed out on this valuable opportunity.
We encourage Mental Health Ministries at the diocesan or parish level to collaborate with nearby Catholic schools, colleges, and universities in offering MHM initiatives such as MHM Masses, youth MHFA training for staff, and other MHM educational and awareness events.
This is an enlightening presentation on Mental Health Ministry and Youth (under 18). In this one-hour webinar from 2023, Dr. Chris Miller unpacks mental health ministry efforts with young people, including best practices around suicide, programming options, and special considerations such as mandated reporting. Attendees will leave with several mental health tools and support they can use to minister to and with young people effectively.
Webinar Resources
Webinar PowerPoint File with Resource Links
Subscribe for the latest updates and news in Catholic Mental Health Ministry delivered directly to you.
Both the above Webinars were organized by Ave Maria Press. The featured speaker is Roy Petitfils, a Catholic speaker, psychotherapist in private practice, and author of the book Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression.
Get free access to webinars, networking, mentoring, and ministry formation and training.